Therefore, I here recommend him/her to you with all my heart .Should you favor him/her with a position in your company, I am sure that his/her future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence. Yours truly, Li Ming 范文 Directions: You are a prof...
Japan should have developed a deeper understanding than other countries about the damage nuclear explosions, or nuclear accidents or pollution can cause to human lives and the environment. Yet on the Fukushima wastewater issue, Japan has chosen the...
Scientific and professional issues need to be addressed with science-based and professional approaches. “We have no argument to claim that this virus would have escaped or been manufactured in a laboratory,” said Belgium’s spokesperson for COVIN...
"Always be concerned with what the people are concerned with, love them and let them benefit," Xi ordered. The president said the issues that concern the people most -\- edu...
5. A site where I get to learn the path to wisdom. 一个让我启发人生智慧的地方. 6. In learning Buddhadharma, we must learn precepts, concentration, and wisdom. 学佛法就要学...